Graphic Design

Construction and deconstruction in the name of visual communication.

I suppose I have a thing or two to say about the notion of “Graphic Design” as it pertains to the Artist, as well as the Designer; they are different in various respects. Concepts are given a sense of liberty…at first. I believe this recklessness is what is needed to keep the artist within free, and spawn the possibility of a fresh, new creative idea. The idea of non-conformity must be present, in order to unleash creativity. The idea that as an artist, one can “take the ball and run with it”, is what keeps us in a state of chaos and randomness during a brainstorm. The genius, empowered soul of the abstract.

Channel this energy, hone it, aim it, target a set of parameters, and make it sing in an aesthetically pleasing way…now that is great design ethic. A place where “form follows function”. The Designer is the calculating robot within…the one that measures the canvas…grabs a ruler for a straight line. It knows where things should go logically, and is constantly deliberating with the Artist’s soul, who is already ripping a bold brushstroke across the emptiness, and wondering when the reigns will appear. The Designer knows that reason will eventually win, but in order to keep the level of freshness, it also knows that it must let certain parameters fall into the realm of the unknown. Therefore; in a truly symbiotic relationship, the fully free Artist, must join forces with the structured mindset of the Designer, and in tandem break ground, achieving a carefully crafted Graphic Design piece. Boldly, declaring that it is “sound”, while the rest of the world is wondering how it was just crazy enough to work. The data is crunched, the Artist has won some of the battle, and there is a sense of risk taken on the part of the machine. Compensation.

I know what you want because I listen to you, and I know I can give you exactly what you want. I also know that I can do something no one has ever thought of before…it’s this knowledge that keeps me free, regardless of the construct, or what someone else has managed successfully. If needed, the Designer can take complete control of the situation, in order to safeguard a project. Like a shield, it protects the core, and maintains focus, while never losing sight of the goal. The idea is born, and life is breathed, directionally, into the work. Body and soul. The ghost in the machine. And at the same exact moment…as an artist, I know that I can change my mind tomorrow. That’s what keeps me free.